Learning with PKS Faculty & Staff:
Resources, Publications, and Videos

Learn more about the important and interesting work our staff is doing!



Feelings! By: Peipei Chen, Preschool Instructional Coach

Peipei Chen has completed the first ever PKS publication: Feelings!

In this work, she explores the topic of building social-emotional resilience in a Reggio-inspired, Mandarin immersion context. This book heavily features interactions with, and work produced by, preschool students at PKS. They explore difficult topics such as uncomfortable emotions, and even death.

The book can be found here.

Published Works

  • New Ways of Seeing by Chris Livaccari, Head of School

    How multilingualism opens our eyes and trains our minds for a complex world.

  • Kosher Chinese by Mike Levy, Head of Middle School

    An irreverent tale of an American Jew serving in the Peace Corps in rural China, which reveals the absurdities, joys, and pathos of a traditional society in flux.

  • Chinese for Tomorrow by Chris Livaccari, Head of School

    This two-pronged approach to language learning frees students to focus on the most natural, relevant and interesting language in the textbook, while also mastering grammar.

  • Chinese Language Learning in the Early Grades by Chris Livaccari, Head of School

    A handbook of resources and best practices for Mandarin immersion; collaboratively written by Chris and other linguists.

  • Connecting Language Learning with Social Justice and Change by Chris Livaccari, Head of School

    Why Mandarin immersion students are uniquely prepared to address issues of diversity, and social and racial justice.

  • Asia Society Language, Education, and Culture Pages by Chris Livaccari, Head of School

    A collection of articles written by Chris on the topics of Asian language, education, and culture.

  • Parmesan and Politics by Mike Levy, Head of Middle School

    A story featured in the collection of Peace Corps stories entitled Even the Smallest Crab Has Teeth.

  • Selling Hope by Mike Levy, Head of Middle School

    A feature in a collection of essays (Unsavory Elements: Stories of Foreigners on the Loose in China) written by foreigners who live or have lived in China for an extended period of time.

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