
Neurodiversity Lessons in Grade 2: Understanding Diverse Learning Styles

Over the past few months, the Elementary School (ES) Wellness Team at Presidio Knolls School (PKS)—consisting of Kayla Story and Missy Silvers—has been visiting second-grade classrooms to lead lessons and hands-on activities designed to help students explore neurodiversity. These sessions highlight how our brains are uniquely wired and how these differences contribute to a diverse, inclusive, and supportive learning community.

Back to School Transitions

The new year always brings a lot of changes, but this year is particularly momentous with our dramatic unveiling of the new U-Wing and all the new routines that accompany a rapidly growing community. Each child has his/her own way of metabolizing change, and we can make use of these back-to-school teachable moments to plant the seeds of resilience in them.